Results: North West Province

At a lodge in the North West, near Paris, Quantum Living.App helps to solve a few different problems:

Termites: caused extensive damage to one of the chalets. The required data was provided to Quantum Living App and a few days later the termite problem was a thing of the past, without the use of harmful toxins in and around the chalet. Other harmless insects and birds were therefore undisturbed during this project, which could be left fully to QLAPP.

Snails: In the wet season, the garden at the “Lodge” experienced an enormous increase in snails. The owner was afraid that the plants would be damaged as in previous years. Within a few days it was reported back that no live snails could be found. Note that only the snails were affected and that there was not a wide negative effect, as could be expected, for example, with the use of poison.

Mosquitoes: During the wet season, mosquitoes were a huge problem around the lodge. QLAPP harnessed the Vibrionic technology, and took action. It was already reported the next day that the mosquito problem had greatly decreased and indeed to such an extent that no mosquitoes appeared in the toilets (“hot”, dark places) in the mornings. A problem that would have been almost impossible to solve was therefore made possible by the effective Vibrionic technology of QLAPP.

Ants: On a field path used by the adventure business on the premises, there is always, especially after rainy days, a specific area where it is particularly uncomfortable to move with customers, due to very intense ant activity. Without disturbing the precious ecology by using poison, the ant colony was brought under control and that problem was a thing of the past. QLAPP’s Vibrionic technology has once again made a difficult task possible, without adversely affecting nature.

Honey bees: Two swarms of honey bees have moved into the flat-roofed house. The owner did not want to kill the bees and used various other methods to try to displace the swarms, but without success. QLAPP decided to put their Vibrionic technology to the test. To everyone’s surprise, both swarms showed immediate behavioral changes. After the bee activity drastically decreased immediately, the swarms moved their nests over a period of several weeks. Our conclusion was that the only reason for their routine daily visit of several minutes could only be that they had to try to take care of their queen. Once again, a valuable species could be preserved and moved without using harmful substances and/or breaking the house.

Rats: During a dry year, the rat colony made their appearance again in the roof of the house. Over a short period of time, their numbers increased enormously and the plague’s impact on the household increased. After exhausting all known methods to get rid of this pest, QLAPP was deployed. Again, to the surprise of many, the rats decided to move overnight. They must have moved because no one saw or heard them again or smelled dead rats somewhere. QLAPP, with the Vibrionic technology could come to the rescue.

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